During the Spring 2012 I taught one of many interdisciplinary undergraduate seminars in the Experimental Study Group at MIT. Each class is based on the preparation of a simple delicious dish and on the bite-sized acquisition of parts of the Italian language and culture.
Videography by Graham Gordon Ramsay.

Click here to watch the videos in full resolution.
Buon divertimento!

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Friday, May 11, 2012

La crema pasticcera

For the complete video click here.

Ingredienti (per due torte di frutta di circa 25 cm di diametro)

- 3 tuorli d'uovo a temperatura ambiente (yolks at room temperature)
- 50 g (5 tbs) di farina (flour)
- 50 g (about 3.5 tbs) di zucchero (sugar)

- 1 pizzico/goccio di vaniglia (vanilla, or you can use grated lemon zest)
- 500 g = mezzo litro di latte (half a liter of milk, about 1 pint)


- In a pentola (pot) combine the egg yolks and sugar, then add the flour
- Heat the milk with a drop of vanilla
- When the milk is hot, but not boiling add it gradually to the egg and sugar mixture. Keep mixing with a spatula. Try to avoid the formation of lumps
- Using a whisk (or al electric mixer on low) continue to mix over medium heat until it thickens (it should take a few minutes). Try to avoid the formation of lumps
- Dust the surface with sugar and cover with plastic wrap to prevent it from forming a skin while it cools down

Commenti e varianti:

- You can eat it as is, or place it in nice little bowls with some fresh berries
- Attenzione (watch out) a non fare impazzire la crema (lit. not to make the cream crazy): if you use cold eggs or milk, let the cream cook too long, mix changing direction, then the cream will not reach the desired smooth consistency and density
- Once the pastry cream is ready and still warm, you can add cocoa powder or melted dark chocolate
 to it...
- you can make a nice quick dessert with puff pastry filled with pastry cream
 (bake the puff pastry in the shape of a tart or in small squares/circle and when it  has cooled down add the cream to make a fruit tart or some sort of small puffs)
- I will post the recipe for la torta di frutta tomorrow

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